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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How can I lower Blood Sugar naturally?


Are you frustrated with high blood sugar? You are not alone. Many people are tired of the worry. I have included a short list of tricks to lower blood sugar.  
The following can be very helpful when lowering blood sugar. They can play a critical part in blood sugar control.

1. Exercise:  By walking for at least 20 minutes per day you can lower blood sugar all day by about 30 points. I have personally compared blood sugar and exercise records of several patients to verify this.  When you exercise, naturally the muscle to uses insulin more effectively.

2. Weight loss: This has a dramatic impact on blood sugar reduction.  If you are able to lose just 5% of your current weight insulin resistance is significantly reduced. You will see lower numbers on your blood sugar monitor.

3. Manage stress:  I know what you are thinking. How in the world do I reduce all the stress I am under ? In recent weeks I have seen several patients who experienced about a 100 point increase in blood sugar. This was in response to a stressful event in their life.  Current blood sugar records can be compared to  the past 2-3 months. Stressful events such as  job loss, financial trouble, pending divorce, worsening health, death in the family, etc. can cause a consistent 100 point increase.  
On the flip side, as the stress reduced so did their blood sugar.
4.  Eat regular meals:  It is difficult for your body to handle barely any carbohydrate for one meal and over 100 grams at the next. Try eating about 45 grams of carbohydrate for all 3 meals. Don't skip meals either!! 

5. Eat high fiber foods. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrate in to the blood.  For example, lets compare white and wheat bread. One slice of each type has comparable amounts of carbohydrate. White bread is quickly broken down and puts a burst of sugar into the blood all at once. Wheat bread is broken down more slowly. It gives a  smaller consistent amount of sugar over time. Your body can better handle the latter.

6. Get more sleep. Definitely easier said than done. A well rested body performs at a lower stress level.

7. Take Cinnamon. A small study showed when 1,000 mg or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon was taken daily a 19% reduction in blood sugar and a 27% reduction in LDL or "Bad" cholesterol. I thought I could get enough cinnamon by adding it to food. I tried adding 1 teaspoon to one slice of french toast and even a bowl of oatmeal. The results were disgusting. I suggest the capsules.

8. Take Chromium Picolinate. This is known to improve insulin sensitivity. This over the counter supplement is generally found in 200 and 400 mcg. 400 mcg is suggested.

Remember to always follow what your doctor tells you. Make sure he or she knows what supplements you are taking.

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