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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Holidays and Diabetes

It's getting to be that time of year again when treats are all around. It generally begins in October with "fun size" candy bars. November comes next with lots of turkey and pie. Christmas candy and treats have already started. December seems to be filled with a party every night. This is the time of year when most people gain and extra 5-10 pounds.  The following suggestions can help you "enjoy" the holidays but not put one the extra holiday pounds.

*Continue with exercise. This generally gets left out when the schedule gets busy.

*Spend your calories and carbohydrates on foods only around at holiday time. For example, M & M's and chocolate kisses come in every color. They can be purchased any day of the year.Don't spend your calories and carbohydrates on an everyday food. Make it count! Spend it on the food you love!  If your great aunt Fran makes a really yummy dish or dessert that you always look forward to don't skip it. You can spent your calories and carbohydrates on that. Then you won't feel like you are missing out. You will enjoy the yummy foods you enjoy while staying on a healthy eating plan.

*Keep portions small. It is very easy to get out of hand. Have a little and then fill up on low calorie . 
foods such as vegetables and low calorie beverage.  Alcohol is super high calories. Avoid or limit this as well.

*Bring your own dish to share.  Sometimes bringing your own snack enures you will have something at the party you can eat.

*Have a snack before the party. A small nibble of healthy protein and complex carbohydrates can prevent a binge later on.

Planning ahead is a must. A helpful website is  http://www.eatright.org/nutritiontipsheets/
This site has printable sheets.

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