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Friday, January 6, 2012

Risks for developing diabetes


Diabetes continues to increase year after year at an alarming rate. Nearly 24 million currently have it in the United States. Almost twice that many either have it and don't know or have pre-diabetes.

Lets talk about the risk factors:

*Over 45 years of age
*Are over weight or obese
*Have a family member with diabetes, especially a parent
*Are African American, Latino/Hispanic American, *Native American, Asian American or Pacific Islander
*Had gestational diabetes with 1 or more pregnancies
*Had a baby weighing over 9 pounds

Other risks I have noticed:

*High cholesterol
*Heart disease(you or in the family)
*High Blood pressure
*Have gained more than 10 pounds in 1 years time.

Out of all the risks, family history is the strongest. We are constantly fighting our genes. If family history is the only risk you have you should be checked, especially if other risk factors are present.

Interestingly, If one parent has diabetes your risk is 50-50. If both parents have diabetes it just a matter of when you will get it.
The reason why I named my blog "diabetes up front" is simply because you always need to pay attention to your diabetes and keep it in check. You cannot ignore it or assume it is fine. If you do this it can silently destroy the inside of your body.
Having diabetes can be compared to pregnancy. You either are or you are not. So if you have diabetes, get regular medical care.

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