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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Diabetes runs in my family...What should I do to avoid getting it?

Diabetes is projected to effect 366 million people world wide by the year 2030!  Wow. How could the number possibly get that high?  The answer is complex. Our society has gotten a little lazier. By this I mean we don't have to grow our own food, grind wheat for bread. A simple grocery store visit filled with all pre-made foods saves us time and hassle. Also,  every get together seems to involve desserts or food of some kind.We as a society are exercising much less than our grandparents generation. 
  So the question is  "What can I do to avoid diabetes myself?   Lets first talk percentages. If you have one parent with diabetes you have a 50 % chance of developing type 2 diabetes. If both parents have it then your percent is nearly at 100%.  With the bad news out of the way lets discuss what can be done. 
There are two interventions we know are key. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/preventionprogram/ study published in 2002 demonstrated if  First, a person is physically active consistently and Second, maintains their weight within a normal range for their height can reduce their risk of developing diabetes by 58%.
This is huge! Percentages like this are rarely seen if ever in studies.
What's a person to do?  Get moving. Begin exercising at least 30 minutes everyday.  A simple walk at your own pace is fine. Next, watch what you eat. Eat healthy foods and smaller portions. Extreme diets only set you up for failure.
Some say "There is no diabetes in my family I don't have to worry".  The problem is, in our parents and grandparents generation the appropriate testing was not done. We simply didn't know if they had diabetes or not. Many were suspected to but went undiagnosed. So we have to rely on clues. The first clue is heart disease somewhere in your family tree.  Heart problems and diabetes run together hand in hand.  If there is heart disease but no diabetes you should follow the guidelines listed above. There is a good chance diabetes exists but has yet to be found.

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