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Monday, June 18, 2012

Humor with Diabetes

Everything with diabetes is so serious. Enjoy a good laugh!

Courtesy "Diabetes Health"

 Sorry. It's just my glucose monitor.

stock photo : Patient does not like going to the doctor and the doctor says, "I'm happy to see you, too".stock photo : Patient says to doctor, "Before you examine me, promise me nothing's wrong".stock photo : Doctor says, "Typically, I don't accept magic beans for payment".stock photo : The matador is in a very high stress job situation and says to his doctor, "I've been feeling a lot of work related stress".stock photo : business looks greener on other sidestock photo : Doctor gives good report to patient and says, "You appear to be perfectly sound".… and our lucky super lotto winner has just told us his winning five numbers were the results of his last five blood glucose tests…stock photo : Man is having trouble seeing the optometrist's eye chart and says, "I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat."I beg your pardon, but I am not a diabetic… I am what you should refer to as 'Pancreatically- Disadvantaged'.stock photo : Man is at doctor's office and wife says, "Cat has got his tongue".Sometimes the worst thing about a hypoglycemic episode is later hearing what you actually did and where.stock photo : "This 'dark area' on the x-ray looks suspiciously like chocolate."

I think you're going overboard with this compliancy issue, Doc!

I prefer to be called your diabetes counselor,
not your meter maid.

Management experience? Do diabetes and anger count?

Don’t worry about your dietitian finding out, Allison. What happens in Baskin & Robbins stays in Baskin & Robbins.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Berries Better Your Brain

It turns out adding berries to your meals and snacks throughout the day can improve brain health. 
 Those tasty little fruits can really "sweeten" your brain function.  According to the U.S Department of Agriculture berries such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries  can benefit brain signaling involved in inflammation and cell death.  Research also shows benefits with Alzheimer's and dementia too. 
 We know this is helpful because of the increased risk with diabetes.
 Berries contain "polyphenolics". These components are found in all types of fruits and vegetables with deep red, orange, and blue coloring. The good news is they behave like an antioxidant with anti-cancer protection.
Another wonderful aspect of berries is their low carbohydrate content.
Examples of 15 grams carbohydrate: 

- 3/4 cup fresh blackberries(fresh) 15 grams
 -3/4 cup blue berries(fresh) 15 grams
 -1 1/4 cups strawberries(fresh) 15 grams
-1 1/4 cups cranberries(fresh) 15 grams
-1/4 cup dried unsweetened cranberries 19 grams

Berries are a great bargain for carbohydrates. You get so much more for the carbohydrate amount when compared to other fruits. So go ahead, add berries liberally to your meals and get the benefits.

Try adding them to salads , cold or hot cereal, muffins, smoothies, or just as a snack!

Diabetes and Aging

In addition to  the normal things like using sun block, getting almost daily exercise, eating a healthy diet, and getting adequate rest, there is an extra factor in thrown into the equation if you have diabetes.  Prolonged elevated blood sugar can damage the inside of the body. One thing I have learned in my 14+ years of practice in diabetes is how tough and unforgiving the disease can be on the human body.
 We know the typical signs of highs and lows like damage from prolonged elevated blood pressure, increased risk of stroke and heart attacks. Did you ever, in your wildest dreams imagine it could cause you to age more quickly as well? 
I have seen several patients who of which bring their spouse with them to appointments. This is actually recommended because two people often remember more material taught than one. Generally, they appear to be the same age or close in age. Over time, the spouse with diabetes begins to appear noticeably older. I know this sounds awful and cruel at the same time. With a quick glance the spouse with diabetes appears to look roughly 20 years older! More gray hair, more wrinkles, dwindling health, the list goes on.
Senior couple in love. Isolated over white background
 Stock Photo - 8736457
So not only does diabetes have the capability to destroy the inside of the body but now it seems to have shown effects on the outside as well.
Studies show individuals with heart disease live an average of 10 years less when compared to individuals without heart disease. Studies also show having mere obesity can reduce life expectancy by 10 years. Interestingly, even mild obesity reduces life expectancy by 3 years. Both heart disease and obesity are commonly found with diabetes.  This is just another reason why good blood sugar control is so important.